April 25, 2011


Street Category: Skate Competition
All competitions will happen at the adidas all24 event in Eastwood on May 14-15, 2011.
Skate Competition is scheduled on May 15, at 2-8pm.
The competition is open to 14-25 year olds, male or femaZle.
This is an individual competition.
There are 3 divisions:
Highest Ollie
Longest Ollie
Each skateboarder is given 5 minutes to show off his/her skills.
The knock-out system applies.
The officials’ decision is final.
Winners will get these prizes:
Freestyle P5,000 + all24 Gift Pack
Highest Ollie P5,000 + all24 Gift Pack
Longest Ollie P5,000 + all24 Gift Pack
10 Runner-Ups all24 Gift Pack
How to join:
To enter, sign up at www.adidasall24.com.
Limited slots are open. Please await a confirmation from the organizers if you qualify.
Settle the joining fee of P240 each upon qualification.
The ff information will be disclosed upon qualification:
•How to settle the joining fee
•Where to pick up the Participant’s Packet which includes:
•Participant’s ID
•Rules and Regulations
•Meal Stub
•Complimentary tickets
•Other details of the all24 event
Registration ends on May 8, 2011.